BallinaAktualitetVIDEO/ Ishin duke luajtur futboll, rrufeja dëmton lojtarët në fushën e lojës

VIDEO/ Ishin duke luajtur futboll, rrufeja dëmton lojtarët në fushën e lojës


Një ndeshje futbolli midis dy shkollave në Xhamajkë, për pak sa nuk është kthyer në një tragjedi.jamaica

Gjatë zhvillimit të ndeshjes midis shkollës “Wolmer’s Boys” dhe “Jamaica College”, rrufeja ka dëmtuar dy studentë që ndodheshin në fushën e lojës. Pamjet e mëposhtme tregojnë momentin kur dy lojtarët dëmtohen nga rrufeja dhe bien në tokë duke shtrënguar kokën.

Ndeshja vazhdon për disa sekonda, para se futbollistë e tjerë të kuptojnë se çfarë ka ndodhur dhe t’iu vijnë menjëherë në ndihmë. Të dëmtuarit u dërguan menjëherë në spital, ku morën ndihmën e parë nga mjekët.


Detajet e plota për gjendjen e lojtarëve nuk janë publikuar akoma, megjithëse mediat në Xhamajkë raportojnë se njëri nga studentët është larguar nga spitali, ndërsa tjetri vazhdon të qëndrojë aty. Për më shumë shikoni videon:

Jamaica Gleaner@JamaicaGleaner

Four schoolboy footballers have been struck by lightning during a Manning Cup match between Jamaica College and Wolmer’s School for Boys at the Stadium East Field in St Andrew. The boys, two from each school, were not seriously injured. The match has been called off. Details soon

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Jamaica Gleaner@JamaicaGleaner

UPDATE: Schoolboy football organiser @ISSASportsJA is reporting that the two Jamaica College boys struck by lightning have been admitted to hospital. The second complained of chest pains. ISSA says tests were done and an ECG showed irregularities. Player being held overnight.

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UPDATE: Schoolboy football organiser @ISSASportsJA is reporting that the two Jamaica College boys struck by lightning have been admitted to hospital. The second complained of chest pains. ISSA says tests were done and an ECG showed irregularities. Player being held overnight.

Jamaica Gleaner@JamaicaGleaner

Four schoolboy footballers have been struck by lightning during a Manning Cup match between Jamaica College and Wolmer’s School for Boys at the Stadium East Field in St Andrew. The boys, two from each school, were not seriously injured. The match has been called off. Details soon

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Jamaica Gleaner@JamaicaGleaner

UPDATE: Schoolboy football organiser @ISSASportsJA is reporting that the two Jamaica College boys struck by lightning have been admitted to hospital. The second complained of chest pains. ISSA says tests were done and an ECG showed irregularities. Player being held overnight.

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