BallinaAktualitetFOTO/ Çmenduria e britanikëve, hyjnë në ujë për Krishtlindje

FOTO/ Çmenduria e britanikëve, hyjnë në ujë për Krishtlindje


Kanë qenë mijëra britanikë që kanë sfiduar temperaturat e ulëta për të vijuar traditën e hyrjes në ujë në 25 dhjetor.

Në shumë qytete janë organizuar gara ku më guximtarët kanë sfiduar njëri – tjetrin në ujërat e akullta dhe kur temperaturat e ajrit ishin vetë, 10 gradë celsius.  Swimmers in festive cossies take their annual Christmas day dip in Porthcawl, Wales  A woman braves the chilly waters in Wales for a Christmas Day dip  Pals splash each other on Christmas morning at the beach  Two women join other swimmers swimmers taking their annual Christmas day dip in Porthcawl, Wales  A couple walk through the freezing water in Wales this morning  Hundreds splash around the water on Christmas Day in Charmouth, Dorset  A pooch swims in the water in Charmouth, Dorset  Swimmers of the Serpentine Swimming Club cheer as they take part in the Peter Pan Cup race at the Serpentine in Hyde Park  Brits celebrate Christmas Day on the beach dresses as the Queen and her guards  Members of Brighton Swimming Club take their Christmas Day dip at sunrise at the Palace Pier  A couple celebrating Christmas in Charmouth run out of the chilly water  Swimmers go for dip at the Serpentine in Hyde Park  A woman with festive tinsel around her waist runs in to the sea in Wales on Christmas Day

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