BallinaKryesoreZYRTARE/Gjykata në Paris pranon padinë e Berishës

ZYRTARE/Gjykata në Paris pranon padinë e Berishës


Njoftim shtypi
Gjykata e Parisit pranoi padine time ndaj Sekrtarit te Shtetit Blinken per shpifje!

Zyra e avoktatit tim, Jean Yves Le Borgne eshte njoftuar se gjykatesi i gjykates korreksionale te Parisit ka pranuar shqyrtimin padise time ndaj sekretarit te shtetit Antony Blinken per shpifje. Une ngrita kete padi pasi Sekretari i Shtetit me daten 19 Maj 2021 njoftoi vendimin e tij per shpalljen time dhe familjareve te mi nongrata per “korrupsion sinjifikativ”. Ky vendim eshte i bazuar ne keqinformimin nga lobimi korruptiv i kryeministrit Edi Rama dhe protektor i tij George Soros me te cilin une kam patur kundershti te medha.

Ky vendim pa asnje prove fakt apo dokument, i papritur, puro politik dhe unik ne llojin e tij erdhi 8 vite pasi une kam dhene doreheqje nga çdo pozicion udheheqje, dhe cdo funksion ekzekutiv publik dhe tre jave pasi kandidati qe une mbeshteta humbi zgjedhjet.

Perveç kesaj, ne 30 vite te karrieres time kurre ndonje here nuk jam akuzuar ose ndjekur per ndonje forme korrupsioni dhe asnjeri nuk ka ngritur padi apo provuar ndonje pretendim per korrupsion ne gjykate ndaj familjareve te mi.

Duke shprehur besimin tim tek gjykata dhe pritur diten e gjyqit, une ftoj sekretarin e shtetit te paraqese ne gjykate çdo prove, fakt apo dokument per te provuar akuzat mbi te cilat ai ka bazur vendimin e tij sine materia per shpalljen time nongrata. sb

Press Release 

The Paris Court (Tribunal Judiciaire de Paris) accepted my lawsuit against Secretary of State Blinken for defamation!

The office of my lawyer, Jean Yves Le Borgne, has been notified that the judge of the Correctional Court in Paris has accepted the review of my defamation lawsuit against Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
I filed this lawsuit after the Secretary of State, on May 19, 2021, announced his decision to declare me and my family members non-grata for “significant corruption.” This decision is based on misinformation from the corrupt lobbying of Prime Minister Edi Rama and his protector George Soros, with whom I have had substantial disagreements.
That decision – rendered without any evidence, fact, or document, unexpected, entirely political, and unique – came eight years after I resigned from any leadership position and every public executive function and three weeks after the candidate I supported lost the election.
In addition, during thirty years of my career, I have never been charged or investigated for any form of corruption. No one has ever filed a lawsuit or proven any allegations of corruption in a court of law against me or any of my family members.
Expressing my confidence in the court of law and awaiting the commencement of the trial, I invite the Secretary of State to present to the court any evidence, fact, or document to prove the allegations on which he has based his groundless decision to declare me non-grata. sb

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